Convention on Road Traffic
Annex 2
1. The registration number referred to in Articles 35 and 36 of this Convention shall be composed either of numerals or of numerals and letters. The numerals shall be Arabic numerals and the letters shall be in capital Latin characters. Other numerals or characters may, however, be used, but if so the registration number shall be repeated in Arabic numerals and in capital Latin characters.
2. The registration number shall be so composed and displayed as to be legible in normal daylight at a distance of at least 40 m by an observer placed on the axis of the vehicle, the vehicle being stationary; Contracting Parties may, however, in respect of the vehicles they register, reduce this minimum legibility distance for motor cycles and for special categories of motor vehicle on which it would be difficult to fit registration numbers of sufficient size to be legible at 40 m.
3. When the registration number is displayed on a special plate, this plate shall be flat and fixed in a vertical or nearly vertical position and at right angles to the vehicle's median longitudinal plane. When the number is displayed or painted on the vehicle, the surface on which it is displayed or painted shall be flat and vertical, or nearly flat and vertical, and at right angles to the vehicle's median longitudinal plane.
4. Subject to the provisions of Article 32, paragraph 5, the plate or surface on which the registration number is displayed or painted may be of a reflecting material.