The Contracting Parties, recognizing that international uniformity of road signs, signals and symbols and of road markings is necessary in order to facilitate international road traffic and to increase road safety, have agreed upon the following provisions:
Chapter II
Priority signs
1. The signs for notifying or informing road-users of the special rules of priority at intersections are signs B, 1; B, 2; B, 3 and B, 4. The signs for informing road-users of a rule of priority on narrow sections of road are signs B, 5 and B, 6. These signs are described in Annex 1, section B to this Convention.
2. Sign B, 1 "GIVE WAY", shall be used to notify drivers that, at the intersection where the sign is placed, they must give way to vehicles on the road they are approaching.
3. Sign B, 2, "STOP", shall be used to notify drivers that, at the intersection where the sign is placed, they shall stop before entering the intersection and give way to vehicles on the road they are approaching. In conformity with Article 46, paragraph 2, of this Convention, each State shall notify the Secretary-General whether it has selected B, 2a or B, 2b as the model for the "STOP" sign.
4. Sign B, 1 or B, 2 may be placed elsewhere than at an intersection if the competent authorities consider it necessary.
5. Signs B, 1 and B, 2 shall be placed at the intersection, if possible level with the point at which vehicles must stop or beyond which they must not pass when giving way.
6. To give advance warning of sign B, 1 the same sign supplemented by an additional panel H, 1, described in Annex 1, section H to the Convention, shall be used. To give advance warning of sign B, 2, sign B, 1, supplemented by a rectangular panel bearing the "STOP" symbol and a figure indicating the distance to the sign B, 2 shall be used.
7. Sign B, 3, "PRIORITY ROAD", shall be used to notify users of a road that, at intersections of that road with other roads, the drivers of vehicles moving along or coming from such other roads are required to give way to vehicles moving along that road. This sign may be set up at the beginning of the road and repeated after each intersection; it may also be set up before or at the intersection. Where sign B, 3 has been set up on a road, sign B, 4, "END OF PRIORITY", shall be placed at the approach to the point where the road ceases to have priority over other roads. Sign B, 4 may be repeated one or more times in advance of the point where the priority ends; the sign or signs set up in advance of that point shall then bear an additional panel H, 1 of Annex 1, section H.
8. If warning of an intersection is given on a road by a danger warning sign bearing one of the A, 19 symbols, or if at the intersection the road is a priority road and has been marked as such by signs B, 3 as provided in paragraph 7 of this Article, a sign B, 1 or B, 2 shall be placed at the intersection on all the other roads; however, the placing of signs B, 1 or B, 2 shall not be mandatory on roads such as paths or earth-tracks where drivers are required to give way at the intersection even in the absence of such signs. A sign B, 2 shall be set up only if the competent authorities consider it advisable to require drivers to stop, in particular because of the poor visibility, for drivers, of the sections of the road, on either side of the intersection, which they are approaching.
Prohibitory or restrictive signs
Section C of Annex 1 to this Convention describes the prohibitory and restrictive signs and gives their meaning. It also describes the signs notifying the end of these prohibitions and restrictions or of any one of them.
Mandatory signs
Section D of Annex 1 to this Convention describes the mandatory signs and gives their meaning.
Provisions applying generally to the signs described in Annex 1, sections C and D to this Convention
1. Prohibitory, restrictive and mandatory signs shall be placed in the immediate vicinity of the point where the obligation, restriction or prohibition begins and may be repeated if the competent authorities consider it necessary. Nevertheless, if the competent authorities consider it advisable for reasons of visibility or in order to give users advance warning, these signs may be placed at a suitable distance in advance of the point where the obligation, restriction or prohibition applies. An additional panel H, 1 of Annex 1, section H shall be placed under signs set up in advance of the point where the obligation, restriction or prohibition applies.
2. Regulatory signs placed level with or shortly after a sign giving the name of a built-up area shall mean that the rule applies throughout the built-up area, unless a different rule is notified by other signs on certain sections of the road in the built-up area.
3. Prohibitory and restrictive signs shall apply as from the place they are displayed until the point where a contrary sign is displayed, otherwise until the next intersection. If the prohibition or restriction should continue to be applied after the intersection the sign shall be repeated in accordance with provisions in domestic legislation.
4. Where a regulatory sign applies to all roads in a zone (zonal validity), it shall be displayed in the way described in Annex 1, section E, subsection II, paragraph 8 (a) to this Convention.
5. The exit from the zones referred to in paragraph 4 above shall be indicated in the way described in Annex 1, of section E, subsection II, paragraph 8 (b) of this Convention.
ARTICLE 13-bis
Special regulation signs
1. Section E of Annex 1 to this Convention describes the special regulation signs and gives their meaning.
2. Signs E, 7a; E, 7b; E, 7c or E, 7d and E, 8a; E, 8b; E, 8c or E, 8d shall notify road-users that the general regulations governing traffic in built-up areas in the territory of the State apply from signs E, 7a; E, 7b; E, 7c; or E, 7d to signs E, 8a; E, 8b; E, 8c; or E, 8d except in so far as different regulations may be notified by other signs on certain sections of road in the built-up area. However, sign B, 4 shall always be placed on a priority road marked with sign B, 3 if that road ceases to have priority where it passes through the built-up area. The provisions of Article 14, paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 apply to these signs.
3. Signs E, 12a; E, 12b or E, 12c shall be placed at pedestrian crossings when the competent authorities consider it advisable.
4. The special regulations signs shall be set up, with due regard to the requirements of Article 6, paragraph 1, only where the competent authorities consider it essential. They may be repeated; an additional panel placed below the sign may show the distance between the sign and the point which it indicates; this distance may also be inscribed on the lower part of the sign itself.