Convention on Road Sings and Signals
Annex 1
Section A
I. Models
1. The "A" DANGER WARNING signs shall be of model Aa or model Ab both described here and reproduced in Annex 3, except signs A, 28 and A, 29 described in paragraphs 28 and 29 below respectively. Model Aa is an equilateral triangle having one side horizontal and the opposite vertex above it; the ground is white or yellow and the border red. Model Ab is a square with one diagonal vertical; the ground is yellow and the border, which is only a rim, is black. Unless the description specifies otherwise, the symbols displayed on these signs shall be black or dark blue.
2. The size of the normal sized sign of model Aa shall measure approximately 0.90 m; that of the small sized sign of model Aa shall measure not less than 0.60 m. The size of the normal sized sign of model Ab shall measure approximately 0.60 m; that of the small sign of model Ab shall measure not less than 0.40 m.
3. As regards the choice between models Aa and Ab, see Article 5, paragraph 2, and Article 9, paragraph 1, of this Convention.
II. Symbols and instructions for the use of signs
1. Dangerous bend or bends
Warning of a dangerous bend or succession of dangerous bends shall be given by one of the following symbols, whichever is appropriate:
(a) A, 1a: left bend
(b) A, 1b: right bend
(c) A, 1c: double bend, or succession of more than two bends, the first to the left
(d) A, 1d: double bend, or succession of more than two bends, the first to the right.
2. Dangerous descent
(a) To give warning of a steep descent symbol A, 2a shall be used with the sign of model Aa, or symbol A, 2b with the sign of model Ab.
(b) The left-hand part of symbol A, 2a shall occupy the left-hand corner of the sign panel and its base shall extend over the whole width of the panel. The figure in symbols A, 2a and A, 2b shows the gradient as a percentage; it may be replaced by a ratio (1:10). It shall, however, be open to Contracting Parties taking into account as far as possible the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 2 (b) of this Convention, to use, instead of symbol A, 2a or A, 2b, symbol A, 2c if they have adopted the sign of model Aa and symbol A, 2d if they have adopted the sign of model Ab.
3. Steep ascent
(a) To give warning of a steep ascent, symbol A, 3a shall be used with the sign of model Aa, or symbol A, 3b with the sign of model Ab.
(b) The right-hand part of symbol A, 3a shall occupy the right-hand corner of the sign panel and its base shall extend over the whole width of the panel. The figure in symbols A, 3a and A, 3b shows the gradient as a percentage; it may be replaced by a ratio (1:10). It shall, however, be open to Contracting Parties which have chosen symbol A, 2c as the symbol for a dangerous descent to use symbol A, 3c instead of A, 3a, and to Contracting Parties which have chosen symbol A, 2d to use symbol A, 3d instead of A, 3b.
4. Carriageway narrows
Warning that the carriageway ahead is narrower shall be given by the symbol A, 4a or by a symbol showing the outline of the road more clearly, such as A, 4b.
5. Swing bridge
(a) Warning of a swing bridge shall be given by the symbol A, 5.
(b) A rectangular panel of model A, 29a described in paragraph 29 below may be placed below the danger warning sign bearing symbol A, 5, provided that panels of model A, 29b and A, 29c described in that paragraph are set up at approximately one third and two thirds of the distance between the sign bearing symbol A, 5 and the swing bridge.
6. Road leads on to quay or river bank
Warning that the road is about to lead on to a quay or river bank shall be given by symbol A, 6.
7. Uneven road
(a) Warning of dips, hump bridges or ridges, or of sections where the carriageway is in bad condition shall be given by symbol A, 7a.
(b) To give warning of a hump bridge or ridge, symbol A, 7a may be replaced by symbol A, 7b.
(c) To give warning of a dip, symbol A, 7a may be replaced by symbol A, 7c.
8. Dangerous shoulders
(a) Warning of a section of road where the shoulders are particularly dangerous shall be given by symbol A, 8.
(b) The symbol may be reversed.
9. Slippery road
Warning that the section of road ahead may be particularly slippery shall be given by symbol A, 9.
10. Loose gravel
Warning of a section of road on which gravel may be thrown up shall be given by symbol A, 10a used with the sign of model Aa or by symbol A, 10b with the sign of model Ab.
11. Falling rocks
(a) Warning of a section of road on which there is danger from falling rocks and the consequent presence of rocks on the carriageway shall be given by symbol A, 11a used with the sign of model Aa or by symbol A, 11b with the sign of model Ab.
(b) The right-hand part of the symbol shall occupy the right-hand corner of the sign panel in both cases.
(c) The symbol may be reversed.
12. Pedestrian crossing
(a) Warning of a pedestrian crossing indicated either by road markings, or by signs E, 12 shall be given by symbol A, 12 of which there are two models: A, 12a and A, 12b.
(b) The symbol may be reversed.
13. Children
(a) Warning of a section of road frequented by children, such as the exit from a school or playground shall be given by symbol A, 13.
(b) The symbol may be reversed.
14. Cyclists entering or crossing
(a) Warning of a point at which cyclists frequently enter or cross the road shall be given by symbol A, 14.
(b) The symbol may be reversed.
15. Cattle or other animals crossing
(a) Warning of a section of road on which there is a particular danger of animals crossing shall be given by a symbol representing the silhouette of the animal, domestic or wild, most frequently encountered, such as symbol A, 15a for a domestic animal and symbol A, 15b for a wild animal.
(b) The symbol may be reversed.
16. Road works
Warning that work is in progress on the section of the road ahead shall be given by symbol A, 15.
17. Light signals
(a) If it is considered essential to give warning of a section of road on which traffic is regulated by three-colour light signals, because road users would not expect such a section, symbol A, 17 shall be used. There are three models of symbol A, 17: A, 17a; A, 17b; and A, 17c, which correspond to the arrangements of lights in the three-colour system described in Article 23, paragraphs 4 to 6 of this Convention.
(b) This symbol shall be in the three colours of the lights of which it gives warning.
18. Intersection where the priority is prescribed by the general priority rule
(a) Warning of an intersection where the priority is that prescribed by the general priority rule in force in the country shall be given by symbol A, 18a used with sign Aa or by symbol A, 18b used with sign Ab.
(b) Symbols A, 18a and A, 18b may be replaced by symbols which show the nature of the intersection more clearly, such as A, 18c; A, 18d; A, 18e; A, 18f and A, 18g.
19. Intersection with a road the users of which must give way
(a) Warning of an intersection with a road the users of which must give way shall be given by symbol A, 19a.
(b) Symbol A, 19a may be replaced by symbols which show the nature of the intersection more clearly, such as A, 19b and A, 19c.
(c) These symbols may be used on a road only if sign B, 1 or sign B, 2 is placed on the road or roads with which it forms the intersection of which warning is given, or if these roads are such (for example, paths or earth-tracks) that, under domestic legislation, drivers using them are required to give way at the intersection even in the absence of such signs. The use of these symbols on roads on which sign B, 3 is set up shall be confined to certain exceptional cases.
20. Intersection with a road to whose users drivers must give way
(a) If the "GIVE WAY" sign B, 1 is placed at the intersection, the symbol A, 20 shall be used at the approach.
(b) If the "STOP" sign B, 2 is placed at the intersection, the symbol used at the approach shall be A, 21a or A, 21b whichever corresponds to the model of sign B, 2 set up.
(c) However, instead of sign Aa with these symbols, sign B, 1 or sign B, 2 may be used in conformity with Article 10, paragraph 6, of this Convention.
21. Roundabout
Warning of a roundabout shall be given by symbol A, 22.
22. Intersection where traffic is regulated by a light signal
If traffic at the intersection is regulated by a light signal, a sign Aa or Ab, bearing symbol A, 17 described in paragraph 17 above may be set up to supplement or replace the signs described in paragraphs 18 to 21 above.
23. Two-way traffic
(a) Warning of a section of road temporarily or permanently carrying two-way traffic on the same carriageway when, on the previous section, traffic was carried on a one-way road or on a road comprising several one-way traffic carriageways, shall be given by the symbol A, 23.
(b) The sign bearing this symbol shall be repeated at the beginning of the section and along the section as frequently as may be necessary.
24. Traffic congestion
(a) Warning that there may be traffic congestion on the section of road ahead shall be given by symbol A, 24.
(b) The symbol may be reversed.
25. Level-crossings with gates
Warning of level-crossings with gates or staggered half-gates on either side of the railway line, shall be given by symbol A, 25.
26. Other level-crossings
Warning of other level-crossings shall be given by symbol A, 26a or A, 26b, or by symbol A, 27 as appropriate.
27. Intersection with a tramway line
To give warning of an intersection with a tramway line, unless such intersection is a level-crossing as defined in Article 1 of the Convention, symbol A, 27 may be used.
NOTE - If it is considered necessary to give warning of intersections between a road and a railway track at which rail traffic proceeds very slowly and road traffic is regulated by a railwayman accompanying the railway vehicles and making the necessary hand signals, sign A, 32 described in paragraph 32 below shall be used.
28. Signs to be placed in the immediate vicinity of level-crossings
(a) There are three models of sign A, 28 referred to in Article 35, paragraph 2 of this Convention: A, 28a; A, 28b and A, 28c.
(b) Models A, 28a and A, 28b shall have a white or yellow ground and a red or black border; model A, 28c shall have a white or yellow ground and a black border; the inscription on model A, 28c shall be in black letters. Model A, 28b shall be used only if the railway line comprises at least two tracks; with model A, 28c the additional panel shall be affixed only if the line comprises at least two tracks, in which case it shall indicate the number of tracks.
(c) The normal length of the arms of the cross shall be not less than 1.20 m. If sufficient space is not available, the sign may be placed with its points directed upwards and downwards.
29. Additional signs at approaches to level-crossings or swing bridges
(a) The panels mentioned in Article 9, paragraph 5 of this Convention are signs A, 29a, A, 29b and A, 29c. The bars shall slope downwards towards the carriageway.
(b) The danger warning sign for the level-crossing or swing bridge may be placed above signs A, 29b and A, 29c in the same way as it shall be placed above sign A, 29a.
30. Airfield
(a) Warning of a section of road likely to be flown over at low altitude by aircraft taking off from or landing on an airfield shall be given by symbol A, 30.
(b) The symbol may be reversed.
31. Cross-wind
(a) Warning of a section of road on which there is often a strong cross-wind shall be given by symbol A, 31.
(b) The symbol may be reversed.
32. Other dangers
(a) Warning of a section of road on which there is a danger other than those enumerated in paragraphs 1 to 31 above or in section B of this annex may be given by symbol A, 32.
(b) It shall, however, be open to Contracting Parties to adopt graphic symbols in conformity with the provisions of Article 3, paragraph 1 (a) (ii) of this Convention.
(c) Sign A, 32 may be used, in particular, to give warning of intersections with railway tracks at which rail traffic proceeds very slowly and road traffic is regulated by a railwayman accompanying the railway vehicles and making the necessary hand signals.