Convention on Road Sings and Signals




Annex 1




Section D




I. General characteristics and symbols

1. Mandatory signs shall be circular, except signs D, 10 described in subsection II, paragraph 10 of this section which shall be rectangular; their diameter shall be not less than 0.60 m outside built-up areas and not less than 0.40 m in built-up areas. However, signs having a diameter of not less than 0.30 m may be used in conjunction with traffic light signals or on bollards on traffic islands.

2. Unless provided otherwise, the signs shall be blue and the symbols shall be white or of a light colour, or, alternatively, the signs shall be white with a red rim and the symbols shall be black.


II. Descriptions

1. Direction to be followed

The direction in which vehicles are obliged to proceed, or the only directions in which they are permitted to proceed, shall be indicated by model D, 1a of sign D, 1, "DIRECTION TO BE FOLLOWED" on which the arrow or arrows shall point in the appropriate direction or directions. However, instead of using sign D, 1a, sign D, 1b may to be used notwithstanding the provisions of subsection I of this section. Sign D, 1b shall to be black with a white rim and a white symbol.

2. Pass this side

Sign D, 2 "PASS THIS SIDE", placed, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 6, paragraph 1 of this Convention, on an island or before an obstacle on the carriageway, shall mean that vehicles must pass on the side of the island or obstacle indicated by the arrow.

3. Compulsory roundabout

Sign D, 3 "COMPULSORY ROUNDABOUT", shall notify drivers that they must comply with the rules concerning roundabouts.

4. Compulsory cycle track

Sign D, 4 "COMPULSORY CYCLE TRACK" shall notify cyclists that the track at the entrance to which it is placed is reserved for them, and shall notify the drivers of other vehicles that they are not entitled to use that track. Cyclists shall be required to use the track if the track is running along a carriageway, footpath or track for riders on horseback and leading into the same direction. However, drivers of mopeds shall also be required, in the same conditions, to use the cycle track if domestic legislation so provides or if notification of this requirement is given by an additional panel bearing an inscription or the symbol of sign C, 3d.

5. Compulsory footpath

Sign D, 5 "COMPULSORY FOOTPATH" shall notify pedestrians that the path at the entrance to which it is placed is reserved for them, and shall notify other road users that they are not entitled to use that path. Pedestrians shall be required to use the path if the path is running along a carriageway, cycle track or track for riders on horseback and leading into the same direction.

6. Compulsory track for riders on horseback

Sign D, 6 "COMPULSORY TRACK FOR RIDERS ON HORSEBACK" shall notify riders on horseback that the track at the entrance of which it is placed is reserved for them and shall notify other road users that they are not entitled to use that track. Riders on horseback shall be required to use the track if the track is running along a carriageway, cycle track or footpath and leading into the same direction.

7. Compulsory minimum speed

Sign D, 7 "COMPULSORY MINIMUM SPEED", shall mean that vehicles using the road at the entrance to which it is placed shall travel at not less than the speed specified, the figure shown on the sign shall express this speed in the unit of measurement most commonly used to express the speed of vehicles in the country concerned. After the figure specifying the speed may to be added, for instance, "Km" (Kilometres) or "m" (Miles).

8. End of compulsory minimum speed

Sign D, 8 "END OF COMPULSORY MINIMUM SPEED", shall mean that the compulsory minimum speed imposed by sign D, 7 is no longer in effect. Sign D, 8 shall to be identical to sign D, 7, except that it shall be crossed by an oblique red bar running from the upper right edge to the lower left edge.

9. Snow chains compulsory

Sign D, 9, "SNOW CHAINS COMPULSORY" shall mean that vehicles traveling on the road at the entrance to which it is placed shall have snow chains fitted to not less than two of their driving wheels.

10. Compulsory direction for vehicles carrying dangerous goods

Sign D, 10a; D, 10b and D, 10c shall indicate the direction in which vehicles carrying dangerous goods shall proceed.

11. Remarks concerning the combination of signs D, 4; D, 5 and D, 6

(a) Notification that a path or track is reserved to two categories of road users and prohibited to other users shall be indicated by a mandatory sign bearing the two symbols for the categories of users entitled to use the path or track at the entrance to which it is placed.

(b) When the symbols are placed side by side on the sign and separated by a vertical line through the centre of the sign, each symbol shall be understood to mean that the relevant category must use the side of the path or track reserved for that category and shall notify other road users that they are not entitled to use that side. The two sides of the path or track shall be clearly separated, by physical means or road markings.

(c) When the symbols are placed one above the other, the sign shall notify the relevant categories of users that they may jointly use the path or track. The order in which the symbols are placed shall be optional. Where necessary the precautions to be taken by both categories of users shall be laid down in domestic legislation.

Sign D, 11a and D, 11b are examples of the combination of signs D, 4 and D, 5.


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