Attachment to the Resolution of the Government
of Mongolia No.74 issued in 2004
1. General provisions
1.1. The purpose of these rules is the adoption of a uniform order for road traffic on the territory of Mongolia. Other normative acts related to road traffic should be based on and should not contradict to the requirements of the provisions of these rules.
1.2. Power-driven vehicles are classified into the following categories:
A - motorcycles;
B - motor vehicles having not more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat whose permissible maximum mass does not exceed 3500 kg (with trailer whose permissible maximum mass does not exceed 750 kg);
C - goods vehicles with the permissible maximum mass of more than 3500 kg (with trailer with carrying capacity not more than 5000 kg);
D - motor vehicles used for the carriage of persons and having more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat (with trailer whose permissible maximum mass does not exceed 750 kg);
E - combinations of motor vehicles of categories B and D with trailer with permissible maximum mass of more than 750 kg and of motor vehicles of category C with trailer with carrying capacity more than 5000 kg;
Mechanism - tractors and self-propelled vehicles and their trailers or working equipments coupled to them as a combination.
1.3. Vehicles of category “D” should be driven by persons over 21 and vehicles of other categories by persons over 18.
1.4. The following terms in these rules have the meanings hereby assigned to them:
“Dangerous load” - any substance or product made of it, industrial garbage and other matters of economic utilization that may harm human life, health, nature and environment as well as cause material losses during their transportation;
“Actual mass” - mass of vehicles of the given time. The mass of vehicle to be pulled is included into the actual mass;
“Permissible maximum mass” - whole permissible maximum mass including vehicles unladen mass, load, crew and passengers described by technical specifications. If trailer relates to the structure of the given vehicles, the permissible maximum mass is summed up by permissible maximum masses of both of drawer and trailer;
“Exit” - area where a carriageway going to and from nearby parking places, filling station, enterprises, offices, residential zones, etc. crosses a road;
“Priority road” - paved road out of paved and earth roads adjacent to intersections or roads with signs 3.1, 3.3.а,б,в and 5.1 of Annex 1 (hereinafter just the numeration of signs and markings will be referred to);
“Overtaking” - action of overtaking of one or several vehicles ahead by leaving the lane;
“Right-of-way” - right to advance first before the participants in other road traffic;
“Animal-drawn vehicle” - animal used in riding and loading or means drawn by them;
“Driver” - any person who drives vehicles. Instructors on a driving training and persons riding or guiding animal-drawn vehicles should be considered as drivers;
“Compelled stop” - action to stop the movement of vehicles due to possible danger because of the health condition of drivers or passengers, load, natural phenomenon, obstacles on the road and etc. as well as due to technical breakdowns;
“Road” - strip of land devoted for traveling of vehicles. Carriageways, verges, lawns, sidewalks and dividing strips are included in a road;
“Give way” - action of a road-user of not starting or continuing to advance in order not to compel the other road-user with the right-of-way to change the traffic speed and direction;
“Traffic accident” - accident caused by road traffic and led to harm to human life and health, breakdown of vehicles and road facilities, damage of goods and other material losses;
“Road traffic” - process of moving on foot and transporting of passengers and goods by vehicles on public-use roads;
“Road-users” - drivers, pedestrians and passengers using roads;
“Carriageway” - part of a road used for vehicular traffic. A road may comprise several carriageways separated from one another by a dividing strip;
“Authorized official” - person having rights and duties to regulate and control the road traffic;
“Power-driven vehicle” - all types of vehicles, other than mopeds, fit with an engine;
“Moped” - any two-wheeled or three-wheeled vehicle which is fitted with an engine having a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc and a design speed not exceeding 50 km per hour;
“Motorcycle” - any two-wheeled power-driven vehicle, with or without a side-car. It includes also three-wheeled or four-wheeled power-driven vehicles whose unladen mass does not exceed 400 kg;
“Built-up area” - area with the densely settled population and marked with signs 5.3 and 5.5;
“Level-crossing” - any level intersection between a road and a railway;
“Dividing strip” - part of a road for dividing parallel carriageways and not used for standing, parking and road traffic;
“Motorway” - road marked with sign 5.1;
“Vehicle” - means for transporting of passengers, goods and mounted equipment and devices through roads;
“Passengers” - all persons on the vehicles and inside their cabins except drivers;
“Standing” - stationary of a vehicle for the time not exceeding 5 minutes. Stationary for the time needed to pick up or set down persons or to load or unload goods is regarded as “standing”;
“Parking” - stationary for the period of more than 5 minutes in cases other than picking up or setting down persons or loading or unloading goods;
“Cycle” - any vehicle (except invalid chairs for handicapped persons) propelled solely by the muscular energy of persons on that vehicle;
“Intersection” - area where roads cross each other on the same level (area formed if to connect the starting points of the curves of the edge carriageways with straight lines to the points on the opposite sides);
“Inadequate visibility” - period when a road becomes invisible within 300 m due to a natural phenomenon (fog, storm, etc.), dust rise or during the nightfall;
“Dark time” - period between the nightfall and dawn;
“Organized transportation of children” - especial transportation of two and more school-age and preschool-age children by power-driven vehicles. It does not include transporting of children by route vehicles;
“Column” - moving of three or more power-driven vehicles moving one after another in single file with passing lamps switched on. A column could be protected wit a vehicle fitted with special luminous and audible warning devices;
“Route vehicle” - a vehicle used in public service for transporting of persons on particular routes with defined stops (bus, trolley-bus, route taxi);
“Trailer” - a vehicle designed to be drawn by a power-driven vehicle;
“Lane” - longitudinal strip of a carriageway with and without markings having a width enough for passing of motor vehicle traffic in single file;
“Pedestrian” - a pedestrian walking on a road (other than those who are working or fulfilling their duties on a road). Persons walking in processions, persons in invalid chairs as well as persons pushing carts, pulling sleds and leading motorcycles, mopeds and cycles are regarded as pedestrians;
“Pedestrian crossing” - a strip across the carriageway with signs 5.16.а,б or markings 7.13.а,б for pedestrians to cross a road. The width of pedestrian crossings without markings is defined by a space between signs 5.16.а and 5.16.б;
“Pedestrian overpass or underpass” - a grade-separated crossing for pedestrians to cross a road having signs 5.17.а,б,в,г;
“Sidewalk” - a part of road for pedestrian traffic bordering with a carriageway or separated from a carriageway by a lawn and a verge.
1.5. Road users should travel without causing a danger and harm to others as well as obstacles, difficulties and dangerous situations for traffic.
1.6. It is prohibited to break, damage, overlap, and remove the road signs and technical devices for traffic regulation, change their location willfully, place and leave objects that may cause obstacles to traffic and pollute and break the road pavement.
1.7. Road users should know and follow the provisions and requirements of these rules related to them.
1.8. Call the persons violated these rules of the road to account according the relevant legislation.