Attachment to the Resolution of the Government
of Mongolia No.74 issued in 2004
2. Obligations of drivers
2.1. Drivers of power-driven vehicles should have got the following documents by them:
а/ Mongolian national or international driver license corresponding to the category of the given vehicle;
б/ certificate of a vehicle;
в/ documents for transporting goods when necessary.
2.2. Drivers of power-driven vehicles participating in international traffic on the territory of Mongolia should meet the following obligations:
а/ an international driver license and a certificate of a vehicle complying to international Convention on road traffic;
б/ vehicles, besides having distinguishing signs and registration numbers of the countries of their registration, should be recorded at the State Safety Road Traffic Control Authority of Mongolia (hereinafter to be referred to as “the Traffic Police”).
2.3. Drivers have the following obligations:
а/ to ensure before driving or en route the completeness of vehicles that should be free from technical defects mentioned in Annex 2 of these rules;
It is prohibited to continue driving if the braking system and steering mechanism of a vehicle do not operate; the coupling of a trailer gets broken; the left-side driving, passing and rear position lamps do not switch on when it is dark or the visibility is inadequate; and windscreen-wipers on the driver’s side do not operate when it is snowing or raining.
If any fault other than mentioned above (mentioned in Annex 2 of these rules) occurs with a vehicle during driving, it is necessary to repair it and, if it is impossible, to go to the nearest parking place (garage) or repair shop after ensuring the safety condition;
б/ to use safety belt and not to transport passengers not using safety belts while driving a motor vehicle fitted with safety belts;
Remark: This provision does not apply to instructors conducting a driving practice and drivers and passengers of emergency motor vehicles on duty.
в/ to wear a protective helmet and not to transport a passenger not wearing a protective helmet while driving a motorcycle;
г/ to be checked on the request of a policeman for use of alcohol, narcotics and drugs and preparations affecting psychology according to the relevant regulations;
д/ to administer first aid to a person involved in a traffic accident and urgently transport him to a hospital;
е/ to stop on a signal given by and provide a possible assistance to a driver of a vehicle stopped because of a traffic accident or a technical fault;
ж/ in case of appearance of any obstacle that may cause a danger to the road traffic, to eliminate it and, if it is impossible or a traffic accident had happened, to warn the road users and inform urgently the nearest police station of this;
з/ to serve with own vehicle to get to the places where a crime, industrial accident, fire, natural calamity or other sudden danger had emerged, trace a criminal and transport injured persons with serious danger to their health to a hospital and criminals to the police station;
Remark: An official used a vehicle for the abovementioned purposes should submit an official document with records of the distance run, time, his family and name, position and number of his official certificate. On the basis of this document, the police shall pay straight expenses.
и/ to stop on a signal given by a policeman, traffic police assistant, traffic or nature and environment control inspector and submit the documents mentioned in 2.1 of these rules for checking;
Remark: A driver has a right to request a checking person to show his official certificate.
к/ to stop by giving a space on the given section of the carriageway (intersection, exit) to approaching motor vehicles and motorcycles with switched-on special luminous and audible warning devices (excluding those with amber signals) or vehicles guarded by them and to pass them.
2.4. Drivers on emergency duties with switched-on special red, blue and green luminous and audible warning devices, in case the traffic safety is fully met, have the right of way and are not obliged to follow the provisions of Chapter 5 (excluding signals given by authorized officials), Article 1 of Chapter 6, Chapters 7-14, 16 and 17 and the provisions of Annex 1. This right is also applying to the drivers of vehicles guarded by the abovementioned vehicles.
However, drivers executing road and its facility repair and maintenance works with a switched-on special amber light signal, in case the traffic safety is fully met, are not obliged to follow the provisions of Articles 8.5-8.9 and 17.1 of these rules and signs and markings of Annex 1 (excluding signs given in 2.11-2.14, 2.20, 3.2 and 3.4-3.6). The special amber light signal does not give the right of way.
Remark: Drivers of motor vehicles fitted with special luminous and audible warning devices should be persons having a driving experience of the given category of vehicle for more than three years.
2.5. Drivers engaged in a traffic accident have the following obligations:
а/ to stop immediately the vehicle, switch on the hazard warning signal, put emergency stop sign in accordance with the requirements of the provision 6.3 of these rules and not to shift the vehicle and subjects related to the accident;
б/ to provide first aid to a person subjected to traffic accident, call the ambulance car, if it is not possible, to transport that person to a nearest hospital by any other vehicle or to transport him, in avoidable case, by own vehicle and leave records of own family and name, type of vehicle, registration number and certificate of a vehicle and return back to the place of accident;
в/ to inform police station (officer) of the traffic accident, to record the families, names and addresses of persons witnessed the case and wait the arrival of a policeman while keeping the evidences of the accident under protection;
г/ in case of removing the vehicle engaged in accident to free the carriageway because the former had closed the vehicular traffic as well as when it is unavoidable to use the given vehicle to transport the person got into accident to a hospital, the vehicle could be moved just after detailed recording with the presence of not less two eye-witnesses of traces of the accident and position of tracks of the given vehicle;
д/ in case of necessity, to go trough the examination of their driving skill and knowledge of the road traffic rules at the request of the authorized police officers.
2.6. If no damage was caused to human life and health due to the accident, the drivers engaged in the accident should come to compromise between each other, prepare and sign the schematic drawing of the accident and to register the accident to the nearest Traffic Police (or police station).
2.7. The following is prohibited for drivers:
а/ to drive a vehicle after using alcohol, narcotics and drugs and preparations affecting psychology as well as when ill or tired to the extent of not having an ability to ensure the traffic safety;
б/ to transfer the driving to persons not having a driver license corresponding to the category of the given vehicle (excluding those engaged in driving training) or persons used alcohol, narcotics and drugs and preparations affecting psychology as well as persons ill or tired to the extent of not having an ability to ensure the traffic safety;
в/ to use alcohol, narcotics and drugs and preparations affecting psychology until a decision is made by authorized persons about the necessity whether to exert or not a driver to analysis after being engaged in the accident;
г/ to use a telephone (excluding that which doest not require the use of a hand) while driving;
д/ to use special luminous and audible warning device on a vehicle on own judgment;
е/ to cross over the carriageway curbstones, to drive over the sidewalks and verges, create new tracks by leaving the approved roads, damage nature, environment, soil, hay and agricultural lands and forests and pollute rivers, lakes, springs and artificial water facilities;
ж/ frighten livestock and animal-drawn vehicles passing across roads or through bridges;
з/ pass through or take a place among vehicles going in a column or on a march.