Attachment to the Resolution of the Government
of Mongolia No.74 issued in 2004
21. Passenger transportation
21.1. Passengers should be transported on special passenger transporting vehicles. Drivers should check before moving the safety conditions for transporting of passengers.
21.2. Drivers should drop or pick-up passengers after stopping fully their vehicles and start moving after closing the doors properly.
21.3. In case of transporting the passengers on the bodies of goods vehicles equipped for transporting passengers, the drivers should be experienced in driving the given category of vehicle for more than three years and such vehicles should be equipped according to the following requirements:
а/ seats installed inside the bodies should be fixed safely with their plates 0.3-0.5 m above the floor and not less than 0.3 m from the upper edge of the boards;
б/ in case of transporting children, the height of the boards should be not less 0.8 m;
в/ seats installed along the rear and side boards of the body should have backs;
г/ should be equipped with ladders for dropping and taking passengers.
21.4. Before moving on, drivers should instruct the passengers about the rules for getting on and off and traveling and warn them of the prohibition to travel standing in the body of a goods vehicle.
21.5. During organized transporting of children as well as in case of intercity or tourist buses and especially equipped goods vehicles for transporting of passengers, the number of passengers should not exceed the number of seats installed at the plant or especially equipped.
Remark: A section of a seat plate with the length of 0.4-0.5 m is taken as one unit during defining the number of seats equipped inside the body of a goods vehicle.
21.6. Organized transporting of children is carried on buses or passenger transporting vehicles. When it is unavoidable, it is allowed to transport children on goods vehicles (equipped for transporting of passengers). However, in this case, at least, two adults should take care of children one taking a seat on the front side of the body and the other on its rear side.
21.7. In case of goods vehicles not equipped for transporting of passengers, it is allowed to transport on their bodies just the persons accompanying or accepting the given goods (on seats equipped at the level lower than the upper edge of the board).
21.8. Transporting of passengers is prohibited in the following cases:
а/ if the number of passengers exceeds the number specified by the technical specifications of the given vehicle;
Remark: Children under 12 are not included into this number. However, the actual mass of the given vehicle should not the permissible maximum mass.
б/ in the sections of vehicles not used for transporting of passengers;
в/ on the bodies of vehicles coupled with trailers;
г/ on the platforms of goods motorcycles;
д/ children under 12 on the rear seats of motorcycles without special fastening;
е/ children under 3 (without persons taking care) without preparing a special additional seat and fastening;
ж/ drunken persons on motorcycles or open bodies of vehicles.